The "I'm not dead" personal update

Hi! been a while

sorry that I have not been very active here. Life is a bit hectic at the moment so I've not been able to work as much on the game as I would've liked. As much as I like the developing the game It's not something I do full time, Sure it's fun but its not something that pays the bills.

I have considered setting up a Patreon or something similar, but I'm not sure if the game warrants something like that yet.

Long story shot, Game is still being developed, But not full time.

Now that the bad news is over with, 

when will you expect the next update?

Soon(-ish) hopefully

Right now the second surrogate is almost done, I am like 60% done with the first activity and I'm slowly but surely writing some more dialog

So the current roadmap looks like this



  • Add second surrogate
  • Add ability to talk to the surrogates & Zyga
  • Add first activity, Which will effect the surrogates mood
  • Add 2 new locations


  • Add third surrogate
  • Add another activity
  • Add more shop items
  • Add ability for surrogates to interact(?)


  • Add fourth surrogate
  • Add another activity
  • Add larger size categories


  • Add fifth surrogate
  • ...and more

Get Project Brood v0.2


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Excellent! Take your time and do your best! But dont burn your self out!


Just make sure to take your time and don't force yourself to work on the project! You have to take care of yourself and not get yourself so stressed out over it! We all have to deal with life after all!

Whatever it may be, just remember that there will be folks that will understand and support you! Just do what you need to do and have fun with what you make!


Glad to see an update! I understand how one can't just work on this full time, but I'm super glad that it's still progressing. I'm looking forward to this c:

